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I´ll try to draw a new road (minor road) in our community. At the moment it is built with gravel, but within the next year it will be fixed with asphalt. So that this construction site is quite new so there is no satellite foto available, except the landuse before, so the field is available in the common map services.

So i went there an got the GPS coordinates for all the crossings and the corners. On basis of this data (6-8 points) i´d like to draw now the "minor road" into the OSM. unfortunately i did not found the option the see or get the exact coordinates.

How can i draw this road into OSM on basis of GPS coordinates.

thanks in advance

asked 16 Feb '14, 12:38

bauer_philipp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you recorded those GPS coordinates using the waypoint feature of your GPS unit then it is possible to export them as a GPX file. Not sure about ID but you can import GPX files into JOSM and then draw in your new roads. I would guess that is possible with ID too but I haven't used it.

If you only have the numbers on a piece of paper it might be a bit more difficult. In the JOSM advanced mode there is a keyboard short cut (and menu item) for "Add Node…" which allows you to specify the point via lat/lon. You should make sure your measurements use the WGS84 datum before keying them in.

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answered 16 Feb '14, 15:44

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


iD has a layer selection on the right which offers you to load either local GPX files or all public ones.

(16 Feb '14, 17:00) scai ♦

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question asked: 16 Feb '14, 12:38

question was seen: 4,783 times

last updated: 16 Feb '14, 17:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum