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Greeting guys. I am doing a project for my university. i have uploaded floorplans(rooms/venue) by using josm. Now? how do i show route inside the indoor bulding that i working on when someone input of current location and destination? I tried using graphhopper. its not working. It shows route of other place, here is the link

my faculty in openstreetmap link

asked 16 Feb '14, 08:21

firdaus%20shajahan's gravatar image

firdaus shaj...
accept rate: 0%

I'm sorry, but you seem to provide insufficent details. So what do you try to realize? Did you already read ?
Please be aware that there are currently no map renderers available for this model schemas. I've seen a OSM based floor plan already somewhere at

(17 Feb '14, 20:10) iii

Did you take update lag of this graphhopper instance into consideration?

(18 Feb '14, 22:23) aseerel4c26 ♦


I'm not an expert with graphhopper but your problem might be solved by connecting the ways in the building with the road network at the entrance of the building.

I found a similar problem on the graphhopper mailing list with roads on islands.

BTW: nice work!

permanent link

answered 18 Feb '14, 21:36

mapper999's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Yep, that seems to be the reason. graphhopper ignores the ways inside the building because they form a small island which is not connected to the outside.

(19 Feb '14, 08:52) scai ♦

You should use the best plugin that fulfils your requirements.

permanent link

answered 14 Apr '20, 12:18

Smith%20Hennry's gravatar image

Smith Hennry
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 16 Feb '14, 08:21

question was seen: 6,634 times

last updated: 14 Apr '20, 12:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum