New York City has three tiers of truck routes: through, local, and undesignated. The former is hgv=yes and the latter is hgv=destination. (There are also some hgv=no roads.) Local truck routes are also, to some extent, hgv=destination, but allow trucks with a destination in the same borough (NYC has five boroughs). In other words, a truck bound for Lower Manhattan could enter Manhattan at the other end and use a local truck route, while hgv=destination on this local route would imply that it cannot do this, but has to use a through truck route most of the way. What tag would I use for the local truck routes? |
Since routing engines have no representation of NYC borough boundaries, exact modelling is not possible. But existing data should approximate what they're trying to formalise. Routing software will favour motorway, trunk and primary roads already for longer routes, which almost takes care of the distinction between in-borough and thru-borough traffic. At least, it meets the spirit of the distinction. A mapping like
should suffice I think. If local traffic uses a through route as a result, that's better than through traffic using a local route :/ 2
It doesn't make sense to tie the highway classifications to truck restrictions. I've temporarily tagged the local routes hgv=local, which of course has no meaning.
(22 Jul '10, 13:04)
@NE2 from your link:
its is already the case that through routes are major roads. I don't suggest you mess with the existing classifications in OSM, merely that hgv=designated plus existing classifications should approximate NYC's rules. Ish. Of course, if you know the territory better than I and this isn't so, I'll have a rethink.
(22 Jul '10, 13:19)
Andrew Chadwick
But some of the local routes are also primary. And there are some that go from through to local at the borough lines (in other words they're only through if you're going to the next borough).
(22 Jul '10, 16:05)