Hello, I can't run more josm though I'am sure that the remote controle is enabled. I have the 6767 version. Can someone help me or give a counsel. I work with google chrome. Thank you for your answer. Franravel |
In the meantime … you can use the OSM website via HTTPS together with JOSM's remote control. You just need to switch it on in JOSM and accept JOSM's self-signed certificate in your browser. See https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/2208/how-do-i-enable-the-remote-control-in-josm |
(as the forum link that @aseerel4c26 has already posted makes clear) it's an https issue. See the recent OSM blog post for information about OSM supporting https in more places. It's only just been turned on, and JOSM remote control is one of the things affected: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2014-February/069028.html 3
thank-you very much. I have tried with http adress instead https and josm in google chrome runs again. Franravel
(13 Feb '14, 19:05)
could it be that you are on the https page? Google chrome might block mixed content (as firefox does). Try with http or disable mixed content blocking. Also see for this issue: forum (German).
I think the question is about JOSM's remote control feature.
I precise that I work with kubuntu 13.10 and it's impossible ton get java 7 because this programm is only windows or microsoft property. So I use Java 6.
That's not correct. Java 7 is available for Linux, too. It is even shipped by Ubuntu, just install
.Java 6 or 7 should not matter. However, you really should upgrade to 7. JOSM will sooner or later switch to Java 7 anyway. Prefer OpenJDK over Oracle's Java as it is the free, open source version (more fitting the Linux and OSM idea) anyway.