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I installed nominatim in local machine, now i needs to install in server machine at the same time i dont want to again start installation process in that server machine.

In steed i just wants to transfer the data from local to server, because it is faster.

Is it possible, plz guide me right way.

asked 12 Feb '14, 06:13

Arun%20kmp's gravatar image

Arun kmp
accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Feb '14, 06:15

The fastest way to do this is to copy over the whole PostgreSQL data directory to the target machine. This only works if both machines have the same CPU architecture and the exact same versions of PostgreSQL, PostGIS and some related packages (GDAL and Proj come to mind).

The second-fastest way is likely to take a PostgreSQL database dump on the source and restore it on the target (pg_dump, pg_restore) but this requires rebuilding indexes on the target.

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answered 12 Feb '14, 07:08

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Unless you want to get the disk space back in the old server, it might be a good idea to set streaming replication from the fast server to the slow one. It's not much more difficult than a filesystem-level copy, you gain resiliency in case the fast server has a problem, and you have an additional server to run read-only queries from to balance the load.

(12 Feb '14, 11:09) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 12 Feb '14, 06:13

question was seen: 4,434 times

last updated: 12 Feb '14, 11:11

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