Wondering if there is a way to feed in data that is being logged on an external device and get information from the nearest tagged coordinate. |
We have a "reverse geocoding" service that, for a given coordinate, tells you something like "this is near house number 13, A road, B town, C country". Type "reverse geocoding" in the search box above and you will see some information about this. If you intend to process a large number of points - tens/hundreds of thousands - that way, we would expect you to set up your own geocoding server instead of using ours, but of course you are free to load our data into that server. The software used for reverse geocoding is called Nominatim. Hey @Fredreik thank you very much for that. Yes unfortunately I do have a lot of data to process but I will have a look at Nominatim....thanks again.
(11 Feb '14, 12:36)
Sorry just to clarify, would there be a way to continuously feed data into nominatim from a .csv file with lat, long coordinates logged and have the result stored into another file?
(11 Feb '14, 12:52)
@RichaB Of course, just create an application/script that (continuously) reads the file and creates corresponding requests to Nominatim. But you should install a local Nominatim instace or you will very likely violate the usage policy of OSM's Nominatim instance.
(11 Feb '14, 13:13)
scai ♦
Presumably you want some sort of web service to do this? If so you might want to be a little more specific about what you actually want, as there are dozens of OSM-based services that could potentially answer your question as stated.
Thank you for your comment. Sorry I am still getting to grips with OSM. What I have is a lot of GPS data in a .csv file. Which I would like to run through OSM and get route information (like information that is tagged for the coordinate nearest to my data coordinate.)
@RichaB: please try to be more clear on your inputs and wanted outputs.
Right, sorry about that. My input is a .csv file with GPS data logged i.e time stamp, alt, lat, long coordinates. I am looking for a way to 1. use this input 2. process it through the OSM database 3. and then gain route information. for eg. If my coordinate is 53.62491, -2.20178 which is tagged road type-''highway'' or the nearest tag for this coordinate is ''highway'' then be able to retrieve this road information as output.
Thank you guys for commenting!..hope you'll can help....