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Hi, I have discovered a possibility to get addresses of a map area. The first thing that should be done is to create an Area via After it has been save, I can have the id of this area (example: But when I try to to compose a request to get the addresses of this area, I get

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <reversegeocode timestamp="Mon, 10 Feb 14 15:31:59 +0000" attribution="Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. &lt;a href=" http:="""" copyright""="">" querystring="format=xml&osm_type=W&osm_id=260934781"> <error>Unable to geocode</error> </reversegeocode>

Please give me a hint what can be wrong?

Thank you!

asked 10 Feb '14, 15:35

SaleksV's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please don't create areas such as way 260934781 that don't actually refer to anything in the real world!

It would help if you could describe the problem that you're trying to solve first, rather than how you're trying to solve it (that doesn't work). So - what is it that you actually want to do?

(10 Feb '14, 15:40) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi, SomeoneElse Thank you for understanding. I would like to use your service for one purpose. Please see step below. 1. Open a map. Navigate to required area. 2. Select some certain area, which includes some buildings. 3. Store this area with some name and have a possibility to access this area in order to read/edit/delete. 4. Have a possibility to extract all addresses present on the area (street number/housenumber and other information). That is the problem. Looking forward for your help! Thank you!

(10 Feb '14, 19:34) SaleksV

SaleksV, please give more information about what you are doing. How are you trying to extract the addresses in step 4? What are it's intended uses?

(10 Feb '14, 19:44) jgpacker

Hi, I'm trying to export the map area to *.osm file. It does contain all the information I need. The problem is that "Export" allows to export only rectangular selection, which is not enough accurate. So the aim is have free polygon selection and then export it to osm, which contains the list of housenumbers and street names (addresses). The purpose of having this info is to assign some specific responsible person for exact map area (responsible for buildings maintenance, cleaning and so on). So having list of addresses will be more informative for this person.

(11 Feb '14, 07:01) SaleksV

Also it would be great to have the possibility to assign a name to free selection on map. So in future I'm able to assign another responsible person. Is there a possibility to store this area not in public, but for example in my account, so these stored areas do not interfere other public users. I hope I was able to describe the overall aim. I guess the steps I have described earlier should be more clear at the moment. Thank you!

(11 Feb '14, 07:07) SaleksV

Ok, thanks for the clarification. You can create a wiki page to your city to do this kind of organized mapping, maybe with a section to each user and/or place, with a link to each place(like ), and if the link is not accurate enough, you can list all those names there too(or just provide an explanation with it).

If this does not meet your needs, you should ask another question in this site asking for ways to "assign" areas to other users, so you can map colaboratively a place.

(12 Feb '14, 12:11) jgpacker
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

I think what you are really looking for is the "Where am I?" link in OpenStretMap's search box, or whatever is shown in your locale(with roughly the same meaning).

That link will give you the coordinate of the center point of your current view, and try to reverse geocode the address.

Alternatively, you can click into the Layers button and check the Map Data checkbox. This way you can click on the elements to see their attributes. If they have their address there, it will be shown. (if the object has a name, you can simply search for it).


Ok, thanks for the clarification. You can create a wiki page to your city to do this kind of organized mapping, maybe with a section to each user and/or place, with a link to each place(like ), and if the link is not accurate enough, you can list all those names there too(or just provide an explanation with it).

If this does not meet your needs, you should ask another question in this site asking for ways to "assign" areas to other users, so you can map colaboratively a place. PS: If your intention is to get the address with a software, show us the code you tried to use, the documentation you read, and whatever else you judge necessary.

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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 10 Feb '14, 19:09

jgpacker's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 12 Feb '14, 15:27

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question asked: 10 Feb '14, 15:35

question was seen: 3,572 times

last updated: 12 Feb '14, 15:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum