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I have some photos of gates bridges styles and POIs that I wish to position on a GPS trace that will upload. If I compare the jpeg's properties time (best to synchronise camera's time first although you could add or remove the time error) with the trace's time stamps in a text editor(I use note pad) I can see the lat and long when photo was taken.

What can I do to the trace with the text editor to identify the positions of the photos when used in Potlatch 2 (or other) and still keep the trace uploadable? Would deleting a few lines leave a gap in the trace?

asked 15 Feb '11, 10:51

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 15 Feb '11, 11:33

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

JOSM and Merkaartor have built-in photomapping, and can match your photos to their locations automatically, and allow for any offset in the timestamps. As such you can just load your trace and photos without any modification and start mapping.

The situation for Potlatch 1 is less simple. You can load photos via OpenStreetPhoto, but the workflow is non-trivial. You can also load your own photos from a custom KML file, but this will need you to make the correlation between timestamps and positions yourself, probably.

Potlatch 2 doesn't yet support photo mapping, but probably will at some point in the future.

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answered 15 Feb '11, 11:30

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

edited 15 Feb '11, 11:35

thanks JB I want to understand the traces as well

(15 Feb '11, 11:41) andy mackey

I have more or less given up on photomapping because: The camera time-stamp was to minutes and the Garmin tracks to seconds. Even after time synchronisation the camera time drifted away from the actual time so that after a few hours of rambling I could not always identify the photo to the true geographical position. This was particularly true when two or more POIs were close together. I now use a voice recorder for POIs and it is far easier to use. The camera is, however, extremely useful when mapping POI-names in a language other than your own. I can't say or dictate "Chiquinquirá Boyacá".

(17 Feb '11, 11:13) dcp

I set camera time and used JOSM as suggested and the pictures were accurately placed when along the trace. perhaps your camera as a dodgy clock, on my garmin gps I let the second tick to 59 and set the camera then.if you hang around for a minute when snapping the picture may be more accurate but maybe the slow speed of walking the trace helped me

(21 Feb '11, 00:34) andy mackey

GPS units receive time updates from the satellites, so some time drifting weirdness may occur, but on the other hand, the location itself is subject to drifting offsets from reality over time. I use JOSM photo mapping features, in particular the 'Manual Adjust' feature, and usually find it useful to tweak the seconds slider to line things up better, and this can be within one particular hour long mapping trace i.e. a time offset at the beginning of the trace needs adjusting by the end of the trace. I take photos of identifiable features (e.g. while walking past a corner) to help with this.

(21 Feb '11, 12:56) Harry Wood

I agree that my camera is dodgy. I also used the JOSM "Manual Adjust" feature if I knew which pic was at what waypoint, but I could not do this when two or more waypoints were adjacent to oneanother. That meant that I was spending more time on the calibration process than I was prepared to give up. For me the voice recording is far more efficient and I can record more details than I could with a camera (think opening_times), but I do have the camera with me for those place names I cannot pronounce or dictate.

(22 Feb '11, 07:14) dcp

For cameras with a poor clock i photo the lat long displayed on the phone or GPS immediately after taking a picture i need to fix accurately later. A photo of the GPS satellite time is also aids time corrections if you have forgotten to sync them at the start of the survey.

(13 Dec '16, 17:04) andy mackey
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You can use JOSM to synchronise camera and waypoint timestamps, and display the images and their assigned locations directly within JOSM.

There are many other tools available to synchronise photos to GPS traces: an overview is available on the OSM wiki at Photo Mapping

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answered 15 Feb '11, 11:20

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks for speedy reply I'll read the link but its trace editing I'd like to understand

(15 Feb '11, 11:24) andy mackey

JOSM doesn't alter your trace at all it keeps it in a separate layer. EXIF geotags are written to the photos, which are also treated as a separate layer.

(15 Feb '11, 11:47) SK53 ♦

I since have found that a single or groups of way points from my Garmin Vista HCX will upload as they do have a time stamp.I can tag my photos by creating a way point on the Vista manually if necessary then uploading it like a trace.It shows as a red dot in potlach2. The Text editor was problem as it would not save as a GPX file.

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answered 15 Feb '11, 20:08

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

single point was rejected later sorry

(15 Feb '11, 23:37) andy mackey

It really is much easier to use JOSM. If you really must use PL2 then it is possible to use software called Geosetter to create a KML file (designed for viewing in Google Earth) containing both the track log and the photos as points. This can be converted to GPX using GPSBabel, and you will then have a file with a waypoint with a name for each photo, as well as the trace.

(16 Feb '11, 09:59) SK53 ♦

thanks trying JOSM now, and stuck, but I'll get their

(17 Feb '11, 22:23) andy mackey

success! I had to chop down two firewalls after some great assistance to get josm to run and download and I can now see the Photos on the editable map Thanks everybody

(18 Feb '11, 18:47) andy mackey

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question asked: 15 Feb '11, 10:51

question was seen: 6,240 times

last updated: 13 Dec '16, 17:04

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