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I want to upload many gpx files in one zip archive.

After uploading I get following message on my email:

It looks like your GPX file
with the description
2010, Krasnoyarsk kr
and the following tags:
failed to import. Here's the error:

Generic XML parse error
XML parser at line 1 column 2

I checked all gpx files inside archive with xmllint, and sure that they are parsable. Also I've opened each of them in josm, and they opened and displayed ok.

How can i know which gpx file in uploaded archive is errorneous ?

asked 09 Feb '14, 11:40

tupka's gravatar image

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Did you use it on ?

I don't think it accepts .zip files.

(09 Feb '14, 13:06) jgpacker

Yes, I use this interface and it accepts zip files - I have succeffully uploaded and imported a couple of archives in the past.

(09 Feb '14, 13:23) tupka

I also used .zip but this was a year ago or so.
What about zipping just the half of the GPX files, and then the next half of the remaining tracks.... so you have somekind of 'binary search' that guides you to the .GPX that causes the problems?

(09 Feb '14, 17:23) iii

Yes I think it is possible to find out bad file this way. But it is not convinient as I have many gpx archives in addition to which are produce the same bad result on import.

I created a ticket here, maybe there is a bug in site engine.

(11 Feb '14, 02:58) tupka

I doubt a "bug in the engine". I upload now and then gzipped gpx files and never got such an error. After having found the erroneous file(s) using the method iii suggested you should be able to found other erroneous files more easily.

(11 Feb '14, 04:29) malenki

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question asked: 09 Feb '14, 11:40

question was seen: 6,899 times

last updated: 11 Feb '14, 04:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum