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I have a piece of online software (hot-spotting) that I want to create custom styled maps for my website. I don't want these maps to have any capability beyond being an image (png, jpg or tiff). I will add the location items myself through the software.

I do want these images to be high resolution and to style the maps (layers) to look different from regular open street maps' styling so they are unique.

I'm willing to pay for this service but I don't know where to begin or how to do this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you! Terry

asked 08 Feb '14, 01:04

Outports's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

As iii has explained, you can use a static map service to create images from OSM's own cartography. However, this won't give you the "custom styles" that you want.

To get this, you'll need to download raw OSM data, then use custom rendering software, with your own stylesheet, to make the map look just as you want it.

The most common tools for this are Maperitive and TileMill. Maperitive runs best on Windows systems (though you might be able to run it on Mac or Linux via the Mono emulation layer), and is more beginner-friendly. TileMill is more complex but capable of stunning results if you put the time in.

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answered 08 Feb '14, 13:22

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Well what you are looking for are static maps APIs / services. They are usually simple scripts that stitch the existing map tiles of the Tile map services together to create big single images. As always pay attention that you don't spam this services.

Another way would be to make use of a desktop GIS ( QGIS, OpenJUMP, ...) to load OSM shapes and get basic maps. This allows you a max. control of map style and to export it as vector format or high res raster image.

See also:

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answered 08 Feb '14, 08:44

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Thank you so much.

(08 Feb '14, 09:37) Outports

No problem. If this helps, please mark this answer as solution, so nobody else needs to think about your problem anymore :)

(08 Feb '14, 12:45) iii

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question asked: 08 Feb '14, 01:04

question was seen: 10,486 times

last updated: 08 Feb '14, 13:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum