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Hello everybody, I am trying to compile extractor.cpp but It doesn't work... The error message is:

*In file included from extractor.cpp:32:0:
Extractor/XMLParser.h:37:30: fatal error: libxml/xmlreader.h: File o directory non esistente
compilation terminated.*

I don't understand why, I have just follow the github at this page

and I have install the package for ubuntu 12.04... Can someone help me? To compile I use in the shell this command: g++ -Wall -W -Werror extractor.cpp -o extract

asked 07 Feb '14, 14:19

Zoifil's gravatar image

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did you follow the instructions at this section? note that unless you are copying and pasting, when there is a \, ignore it and keep typing the next line without pressing Enter

(07 Feb '14, 17:38) jgpacker

Does installing libxml2-dev resolve the issue?

(08 Feb '14, 09:59) scai ♦

Yes yes, I have already follow and do the instruction for ubuntu 12,04 and all of the packet are already install...

(10 Feb '14, 11:10) Zoifil

But libxml2-dev does contain libxml/xmlreader.h. Please check if /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/xmlreader.h exists.

(10 Feb '14, 17:56) scai ♦

Yes there is...for my opininion the problem is that I have install all the packages and I also have install lua 5.1 and after I have disinstall all the lua packages... and so I have already install all...

(11 Feb '14, 07:45) Zoifil

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question asked: 07 Feb '14, 14:19

question was seen: 6,189 times

last updated: 11 Feb '14, 07:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum