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I am in need of a complete road map for an entire city that I can blow up into a large 4' x 8' printed image. I am a new user of OSM and not sure how to accomplish this or if it is even possible. I have only been able to see sections and not an overall image. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks, Michael

asked 07 Feb '14, 02:15

michaelsmtbd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Our existing free-to-use infrastructure is not suitable for generating such images. You'll have to either

  • use a third-party service - there's the excellent and free MapOsMatic but you can also buy services from the providers listed on our Wiki.
  • render the image yourself from raw data, for example by using the Maperitive software or the osm2pgsql/PostGIS/Nominatim toolchain; type "printing" in the search box above to read a couple of answers that deal with this.
permanent link

answered 07 Feb '14, 07:57

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you Frederik for your reply and advice. I appreciate you taking the time to do so. I will report back and let you know of my success. Michael

(07 Feb '14, 15:13) michaelsmtbd

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question asked: 07 Feb '14, 02:15

question was seen: 2,728 times

last updated: 07 Feb '14, 15:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum