I'm trying to mark a fenced in horse corral - a giant oval of dirt specifically designated for equestrian events. I don't see anything I can use to map this area. Suggestions? Secondary question: If there's nothing I can use for a corral, is there any way I can mark land as dirt or soil? I can't find that either. Thanks. |
Maybe something at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Riding will help. I tried to tag a pack station in the Sierra Nevada and asked for help on the tagging list last year with less success than I'd hoped, possibly due to my lack of equestrian knowledge. It seemed to me that the western US concept of equestrian facilities did not map into the British scheme of things. Since you are asking about a corral I wonder if that might happen for you too. I suspect that corral would be translated to paddock with the suggested tagging being landuse=animal_keeping, animal_keeping=horse, animal_keeping:type=paddock 2
I'm afraid something has got lost in translation. A paddock is nearly always a grassy area for horses in the UK. We have many hectares locally (http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/51.5306/-0.7697), which have been mapped and labelled as such (somewhat naughtily using addr:housenumber). It's really hard as a native speaker to tag something which is totally counter to ones common sense. The image on the wiki labelled paddock is an exercise area or arena. See this page for UK use of terms: http://www.nationalhorseandponynetwork.co.uk/stablepaddockyard.html
(06 Feb '14, 12:13)
SK53 ♦
So the UK paddock is much more like I imagined than what I read on the wiki. But a corral is not an exercise area or arena either. Looks like Wikipedia shows eastern US usage of paddock to be equivalent to western US corral though. I wonder if that is where the OSM wiki came from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen_(enclosure)
(06 Feb '14, 12:27)
It looks like the OSM wiki's erronous "Paddock" came from wikipedia (it shares the same picture). I can't comment on USAian usage, but the "Riding" page's description of "Paddock" by someone from Germany doesn't match the UK, Aus or NZ usage of the term.
(06 Feb '14, 13:04)
SomeoneElse ♦
I don't know much about horses but the feature I'm trying to label is in the US. I've seen more than one of these. This one is oval shaped but I've seen them rectangular too. They're around the size of a soccer/football field so not an entire meadow. They are definitely all dirt fenced in and used for either learning horseback riding or for showing off your horseback riding skills. The one I'm trying to label now is at http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/35.03694/-80.94227, although it doesn't seem to show up in OSM, possibly due to it being a nature reserve. Here it is in Google Maps earth view at https://www.google.com/maps/preview/@35.0367642,-80.9425112,162m/data=!3m1!1e3 The only other one I've been to personally is at https://www.google.com/maps/preview/@34.9665577,-80.8426906,125m/data=!3m1!1e3 (not on OSM) I'm not a horse person but I would have thought corral to be the right word, which regular wikipedia says is the same as a paddock (a word I'd never heard previously) or a pen. 1
Per the wiki, I think that is a "riding ground" and would be tagged leisure=pitch, sport=equestrian.
(06 Feb '14, 19:25)