When entering any bigger facility there is usually some kind of checkpoint where they also give information and instructions about how to navigate the site. How should this be mapped? Especially when it does not coincide with the entrance to the site. Typically, the entrance is a gate in the wall, then you follow a service road and arrive at this checkpoint. |
I don't think we have something formalised in OSM for what you ask. But it remembers me a similar discussion we had on the tagging mailing list recently. Perhaps you can read the archived thread and take you own conclusions (building=gatehouse): http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Security-Gate-Post-Cabin-td5789070.html |
I'd imagine a node with kind of barrier tag would work, depending on the exact configuration. good point, however this is only the barrier, not the guardians house. It can be on very different place if you have barriers with speaker (which is usual)
(05 Feb '14, 16:04)
Would something like tourism=information be more like what you're thinking of? I'm not sure what you mean by "barriers with speaker". Do you mean something remotely operated?
(05 Feb '14, 16:34)
Yes, you drive with car to the site, than there is an entrace, than at some point there is a barrier, where you press button and you are connected remotely to guardian who lets you in. Than you park your car and go to the guardian house or office (if it is insideú where you usually receive some kind of pass to be able to access building.
(06 Feb '14, 14:55)