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i just started with OSM and since my Medion GPS is outdated anyway and an update would cost as much as a new one i wanted to replace the whole system...

a it seems this is no option, but i found gosmore which claims to allow to help in a better way the OSM project, and even better its supposed to run on my GPS...

alas i seem way to dumb to run it.....

i tried all ways of naming and locating the files on a SD card. Admitted its a 4G card, but the mp3 player doesn't complain, and finds the files. But gosmore doesn't start up... i read that wou have to execute it from the filebrowser, but there's none on my GPS, only fixed applications....

so if anyone has a hint on how to get this working?

ciao Bruno

asked 17 Jul '10, 23:38

Bruno%20B%C3%B6ttcher's gravatar image

Bruno Böttcher
accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Jul '10, 10:23

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦

You may need to rename arm-mingw32ce-gosmore.exe to match whatever your normal navigation application is called. Gosmore's wiki page suggests that mobilenavigator.exe may work for some devices.

There are also some reports on that wiki page of users getting it to work on their Medion devices. Perhaps you could find out who they are from the wiki history and ask them what they did.

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answered 20 Jul '10, 04:02

David%20Dean's gravatar image

David Dean
accept rate: 22%

as said i tried all names and permutations of it that hte wiki suggested... will try to parse the history of the page....

(20 Jul '10, 17:20) Bruno Böttcher

its a user called Osmmso don't know how to contact him though....

(20 Jul '10, 17:26) Bruno Böttcher

If the user had the same name on the wiki as their OSM account, you can contact them here:

(21 Jul '10, 01:44) David Dean

When you are common with th e german language you should have a look at the forum on

There are many users who have extra applications on their Medion navigation systems. I am quite sure that you can enter in the normal windows mobile mode on your navi, too.

Then you should be able to run apps like gosmore or NaviPOWM on your device.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 15:51

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

i went through the forum, unfortunately i found there only solutions involving linking the navigator to a windows box.... i won't buy a new computer just to do so :( and there are no windows user in my environment either

and for the other part, getting into the windows shell seems for the guys there so obvious that nobody even assumes that anybody could have the slightest problem getting there....

well maybe the fact that i have no proficiency whatsoever in windows doesn't help me here....

i tried to download some apps, put them as they were on the SD nothing happens... quite depressing...

(22 Jul '10, 00:06) Bruno Böttcher

with gopal4 you need to hit 3 times the o from gopal on the first screen after boot to get the windows filebrowser, there you can execute any .exe file, now i only need to figure out that mmap problem reported.....

still if gosmore could appear in the menus same as sudoku etc would be nice, or startup automatically if the SD card is inserted....

but at least i have a chance continuing to play with this!

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answered 23 Jul '10, 14:54

Bruno%20B%C3%B6ttcher's gravatar image

Bruno Böttcher
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 17 Jul '10, 23:38

question was seen: 5,246 times

last updated: 23 Jul '10, 14:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum