Excuse me, but PHILADELPHIA, the most important city in the country, does not show up. Camden, NOT a city, does, however. This is a massive problem and needs to be addressed immediately. Philadelphia is a metropolitan city and a great one at that. Please fix this huge issue. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Too subjective and argumentative" by SK53 01 Feb '14, 19:09
This is a help forum, not a place to peremptorily tell us what to do. Please ask questions with respect, OpenStreetMap is a community of volunteers who devote their free time to mapping, maintaining servers, writing software and answering questions. It happens that this type of issue (label rendering and placement) has been covered by MANY MANY queries on this site. So many that I do not feel the need to search and find a few for you. Please feel free to render your own version of OpenStreetMap which shows Philadelphia with the degree of importance you attach to it. 1
Besides, the center of the universe is in tulsa. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/36.15688/-95.99209
(02 Feb '14, 04:46)
Baloo Uriza
"Camden is a city in Camden County"...
Wish you USians would learn the proper meaning of a city. It should really be a major metropolis such as this.
(Also, stop nicking our placenames.)
This (presumed) rendering issue came up already nearly two years ago: philadelphia-nyc-does-not-show-up-at-high-zooms.