I am wondering if someone can guide me on how to install Mapnik 0.7.x on my Debian Etch (4) server. The backports repo only has mapnik 0.5.x for etch on it which I believe doesn't support enough to complete this tutorial (exactly what I want): http://www.hanskalabs.net/posts/dbless-local-mapnik-osm/ Any tips on how to get started on this? I keep hearing how Mapnik is a pain to install so some guidance would be great! |
Hmm, it seems like a good idea, but in reality there are a lot of steps missing as I just discovered. Installing Boost for one thing on Etch! Ideally I would just have a newer OS, but have to take what I got for now. I just wish Maperitive could run headless, it works pretty well otherwise for small areas. The other thing I am wondering is for Mapnik to directly import .osm files (instead of the Postgresql), do I need to change some installation configuration stuff or is that installed by default (I saw otherwise somewhere but can't find the page now)
(14 Feb '11, 00:29)
There is an input plugin in mapnik that can directly read .osm files. However, you will have to develop your own stylesheet for it, or heavily adapt the default osm.xml stylesheet. Even if you get it running that way, it will still not support everything the default map will show. Some things are done in the SQL queries, and you'll loose that in the osm plugin. Also, I read that the osm plugin doesn't quite handle relations as well.
(20 Apr '11, 22:19)