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Hi. I want to report about an error of a render in these coordinates. link text There is about a week/

asked 23 Jan '14, 06:17

%D0%98%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B8%D0%BD%20%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BD's gravatar image

Ильин Роман
accept rate: 0%

closed 23 Jan '14, 20:47

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Thank you for your report, but what do you say is the bug actually at this area?

(23 Jan '14, 06:41) iii

actually at this area is little more than 101% absolutely!

(23 Jan '14, 06:51) Ильин Роман

@Ильин Роман: please describe a bit more what you did there. Since when is that "error"?

What I see is that if you go through zoom level 18 till 12 you see greatly different states of landcover (forest/meadow) rendering. It may just be delayed updates since the edits there are quite fresh. This especially applies to the lower zoom levels. Actually I even got changes between viewing and viewing after a Ctrl+F5 refresh.

The only thing that confuses me is the fingertips there being rendered light green although they are belonging to a forest (as it is correctly rendered west of my marker). What I see is that if you go through zoom level 18 till 12 you see greatly different states of landcover (forest/meadow) rendering. It may just be delayed updates since the edits there are quite fresh. This especially applies to the lower zoom levels. Actually I even got changes between viewing and viewing after a Ctrl+F5 refresh.

The only thing that confuses me is the fingertips there being rendered light green although they are belonging to a forest (as it is correctly rendered west of my marker).

Okay, one more issue found: e.g. relation/3442487 is not rendered (but is on e.g. humanitarian layer). I still think it may just be a (missed) update issue.

(23 Jan '14, 08:45) aseerel4c26 ♦

Same here!

My last landuse and other "area" edits in this area are not assumed.

(23 Jan '14, 10:03) matchman

Ok, there are some problems in this coordinates. There are some relation, thats not rendered only in MAPNIC. Other renderer is OK. This is a picture show relations, that's have not a visibility (pardon for my french) 8) This changes were made 7 days ago and never have been rendered. It was a system crash that day. But this changes were made yesterday have no problem.

PS: in that region I try to delete and draw one more time? but result was the same

(23 Jan '14, 10:44) Ильин Роман

@Ильин Роман: I suggest to avoid deleting and redrawing. That just creates more confusion. Please wait and let us analyse what is wrong here. Especially since it is fine on other renderers.

(23 Jan '14, 11:06) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thnks guys, renderin' is on )

(23 Jan '14, 19:44) Ильин Роман

@Ильин Роман: I see no problems any more, too.

@matchman: I opened your link again zoomed in a bit, saw a white area, hit ctrl+F5, rendering has changed - not white any more. That also seems to work now.

Please understand that rendering takes a while, all zoom levels are independently updated, tiles are independently updated, and that your browser (and proxy if existent) may still be caching and showing an older state (therefore ctrl+F5).

Next time better ask such highly specific problems in forum or chat, they are more suited for this type question.

(23 Jan '14, 20:47) aseerel4c26 ♦
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The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem is outdated. See my last comment." by aseerel4c26 23 Jan '14, 20:47

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question asked: 23 Jan '14, 06:17

question was seen: 1,803 times

last updated: 23 Jan '14, 21:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum