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On, mouse-wheel zooming is far too sensitive and impossible to control with an Apple Magic Mouse (whose “mouse wheel” is a touch panel). Using the website is very frustrating.

Specifically, while panning around with mouse click, every mouse-up risks zooming the map randomly in or out. Whether trying to zoom or not, even very small movements risk unintentionally zooming two or three levels at a time. Sometimes a zoom out is immediately followed by an unintentional zoom in, or vice versa. Sometimes I have to attempt a zoom several times in a row, and the repeated and jumpy visual zoom is on the verge of inducing motion sickness.

Is there a way to reduce the mouse-wheel sensitivity for the site? Barring that, is there a way to disable it?

Background info:

  • This is the mouse that comes with all desktop Macs.
  • There is no software sensitivity control for this mouse’s zoom.
  • Scrolling and zooming work very well in most other apps and websites (for example, scroll-zooming in Google Maps is pretty good).

asked 22 Jan '14, 20:05

Michael%20Zajac's gravatar image

Michael Zajac
accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Oct '14, 21:08

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Not all desktop Macs - my Mac mini doesn't have one (I greatly prefer the Mighty Mouse).

This sounds like something that you could raise as an issue against the OSM website, though it'll probably require a developer with a Magic Mouse to fix it.

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answered 22 Jan '14, 20:23

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

(22 Jan '14, 22:55) Michael Zajac

Well, that quickly got shut down as a Leaflet problem, so I have posted to the Google group.!topic/leaflet-js/eIE4h7mOk1c

(23 Jan '14, 01:48) Michael Zajac

No response there, so I went to github, found these related bugs, and added a comment to the latter:

Zoom issues with Apple trackpad (Magic Mouse)

Mouse wheel zooms too fast in FF

(30 Jan '14, 19:59) Michael Zajac

Hallo Michael

I have this problem with the Apple Magic Mouse on a number of sites. You can disable the feature on your Mac under Preferences-Mouse but then, if like me, you use the feature elsewhere, you have to re-enable it - a bit of a fag really. So, to get around it, I simply bought and installed another (wired) mouse which has a zoom feature via the scroll wheel. This is less likely to zoom by accident. so now I use the Apple mouse for almost everything and simply change over to the wired mouse for zoomable maps.

Hope that helps


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answered 19 Apr '14, 11:38

Sunnyjohn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The scrollmaps chrome plugin offers a partial fix. You have to hold the cmd button while scrolling in order to zoom.

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answered 29 May '14, 22:44

scottgallant's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 22 Jan '14, 20:05

question was seen: 25,281 times

last updated: 12 Dec '14, 03:37

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