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Does anyone have a sample/tutorial command call on how I can import diffs from planet osm using osm2pgsql?

I know you use the osm2pgsql -c --slim ...other stuff to import osm data to the database initially.
Do you use the -a (append) to import the diffs?

The help documents are rather sparse on this topic.

Thank you


asked 22 Jan '14, 15:06

Fisherman12i's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There's some info on this switch2osm page (go down to "updating") and also in the wiki here. The last time I set this up (with no prior experience) I was able to follow a combination of those two. That was on Ubuntu though - I've no idea if anyone's ever tried Windows.

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answered 22 Jan '14, 16:05

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

so when you pull the replication files say from here: You would point to the state.txt file using osmosis?

(22 Jan '14, 16:21) Fisherman12i

You can update your osm data using osm2pgsql by doing the following:

osm2pgsql --append [my customized arguments] changes.osc.gz

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answered 22 Jan '14, 17:04

Fisherman12i's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 22 Jan '14, 15:06

question was seen: 9,701 times

last updated: 22 Jan '14, 17:04

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