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Hi all!

New here but I have many data from my Garmin GPS that I stored over my walks while geocaching. I´ll try to upload everything to improve the accuracy of some trails.

While talking to the developers of some apps related to geocaching I was told that the feature or subdivision of States into counties/municipalities it is not done in Brazil. Why is this?

For instance, in USA you can see the 3116 counties and also 307 in Portugal but none of the 5570 Brazilian municipalities:

Is there anything I can do to help?


asked 22 Jan '14, 13:50

JPreto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Jan '14, 13:50


The division of brazilian states in municipalities ("municípios") (ex.: São Paulo in São Paulo State) is done for 100% of the municipalities of Brazil. It is the "level 8" of the administrative boundaries.

The division of municipalities into districts/sub-municipalities ("distritos") is partially done (ex.: Ipiranga district, São Paulo, SP). It does not exist for many (small) municipalities. This is the "level 9" of the administrative boundaries.

The division of municipalities into sub-districts/neighborhoods ("bairros") is done for just a small part of the municipalities of Brazil. For example, see Campinas in São Paulo state. This information is very hard to find in public databases, and when found (for example IBGE data) it is in "analog" form (scans of paper sheets). This is the "level 10" of the administrative boundaries.

There is no level 11 in Brazil.

For more information see this page

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answered 22 Jan '14, 20:00

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

I would like to give you an definite answer, but as I'm not involved and can't speak brazil portugues, I can just share you the links to contact the local community:

Hopefully this will help, if no local mapper can answer here. And thank you of course for your interest in improving OSM :)

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answered 22 Jan '14, 14:00

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 22 Jan '14, 14:01

Ok, It´s solved... Was looking at the wrong frontiers. They are marked after all, my mistake!

(22 Jan '14, 14:44) JPreto

Great :) So please mark this answer as solution and your question will be tagged as solved, which saves ressources to answer otherones questions ;)

(22 Jan '14, 17:02) iii

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question asked: 22 Jan '14, 13:50

question was seen: 5,090 times

last updated: 22 Jan '14, 20:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum