Hello guys having a problem mapping an island and a partial dam in a river... can I have an expert eye looking into to my ways? |
Hi tag the island as an island and multipolygone like ths http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/36.28848/-5.28855 theres a page of tagging river banks as well http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:waterway%3Driverbank The dam could be a waterway=weir a low crossing or an man-made-groyne but it depends on the local situation. groyne as definitely the correct tag for my "partial dam" thanks for the tip. I've read the tagging page for riverbanks before asking, and I believe I've done everything according... can you take a look at the tags I've placed
(20 Jan '14, 10:00)
Hi looks good. Be aware of the 2000 nodes limit, when tagging riverbanks, cut the ways before you reach it.
(20 Jan '14, 11:08)
Hendrikklaas, still having a problem. I believe the island is correctly mapped and the multipolygon relations also but is still not rendering on OSM
(21 Jan '14, 11:04)
Hi, I could not find a mistake in tagging. Splitted the riverbank way and used a little bit newer tagging to get the same result (which this time rendered).
(21 Jan '14, 18:04)
Hi, RM has been busy too, it looks in JOSM and P2 good now, please remember to connect the separate ways. By joining them in P2 with the j button and in JOSM with the m button.
(21 Jan '14, 23:46)