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Hello guys having a problem mapping an island and a partial dam in a river... can I have an expert eye looking into to my ways?



asked 20 Jan '14, 08:55

rsbarbosa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jan '14, 08:55

Hi tag the island as an island and multipolygone like ths theres a page of tagging river banks as well The dam could be a waterway=weir a low crossing or an man-made-groyne but it depends on the local situation.

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answered 20 Jan '14, 09:32

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

groyne as definitely the correct tag for my "partial dam" thanks for the tip. I've read the tagging page for riverbanks before asking, and I believe I've done everything according... can you take a look at the tags I've placed

(20 Jan '14, 10:00) rsbarbosa

Hi looks good. Be aware of the 2000 nodes limit, when tagging riverbanks, cut the ways before you reach it.

(20 Jan '14, 11:08) Hendrikklaas

Hendrikklaas, still having a problem. I believe the island is correctly mapped and the multipolygon relations also but is still not rendering on OSM

(21 Jan '14, 11:04) rsbarbosa

Hi, I could not find a mistake in tagging. Splitted the riverbank way and used a little bit newer tagging to get the same result (which this time rendered).

(21 Jan '14, 18:04) RM87

Hi, RM has been busy too, it looks in JOSM and P2 good now, please remember to connect the separate ways. By joining them in P2 with the j button and in JOSM with the m button.

(21 Jan '14, 23:46) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 20 Jan '14, 08:55

question was seen: 2,338 times

last updated: 22 Jan '14, 07:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum