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Hi everyone, I'm working in a project, where will be able to have a real-time pollution map with coordenates and we want to use this information to make an "less polluted route" routing tool.

Our idea is to provide alternative routes to people that have problems with pollution, giving them a Optimized route (routing) but including the pollution in the algorithm.

Is there any Routing service or API that gives you the posibility of putting other information to make the routing? Or do you know some of the routers that are easy to code or have useful API's that may help me?

I have been looking in the web pages of the projects in the Routing page and Online Routers but I have not found what I'm looking for.

I will really apreciate your help, and exuse me for my poor English. Thanks a lot!

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 19 Jan '14, 23:09

Efim777's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jan '14, 08:29

iii's gravatar image


Thank for your both answers! I tooked contact with Tom Chance, and we have been in touch. And the info about the routers helped me so much! I learned so much.

Now our project has changed a little bit, and we are going to display in colors the state (in pollution) of the route, as Tom did. The problem is that we does not have the information of pollution linked to streets, but linked to coordinates. So there is work to do.

I have been writing in other forum about this last topin, and they suggested me to post it in this forum, so I will make another entry with the new part of the project (and new challenges!) Thanks a lot :)

(07 Apr '14, 17:47) Efim777

Dear all, I am embarking on a similar mission, however, wishing to put weights on a route choice model with self- recorded PM 2.5 measurements/ EEG stress levels.

would love to see how far you got.

Pablo from UCL CASA here. Please get in touch.

(08 Jul '15, 15:24) atreyuberlin

@atreyuberlin You should open a new question if you are having problems. Otherwise your message will get lost here.

(08 Jul '15, 16:29) rorym

Long-time OSM contributor robert/ris was part of a team which did exactly this using the OSRM routing package as part of a tech challenge at the FOSS4G in September 2013.

I would suggest you also look at Tom Chance's blog regarding using pollution data in London

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answered 20 Jan '14, 09:33

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 20 Jan '14, 11:34

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Welcome to OSM :)

No, there is AFAIK currently no online service that allows you to specify custom weights for the routing graph.

IMHO the only option is to make use of an existing offline router and alter it's codebase for calculating the weights by using your custom datasource. You migtht start playing around with having a look at osm2pgrouting and also the trafficmining framework might be a good choice for the beginning.
For production to release your results to the public, you might pick Routino, MoNav or maybe Navit. I'm not sure but I guess that contraction hierarchies approach like at OSRM and Graphhopper might be a bad choice for dynamical data.

Please see also existing research articles about (eco) routing and TMC, that might give you more ideas.

Last but not least, you might need to take care about legal aspects and of course the community would be also very happy to benefit from your results :)

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answered 20 Jan '14, 08:28

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 08 Apr '14, 11:09

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦

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question asked: 19 Jan '14, 23:09

question was seen: 9,632 times

last updated: 08 Jul '15, 16:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum