Hi, I'm trying to install TIGER data on a local Nominatim server. During the first step in the installation, I started seeing errors like the one pasted below (only for numbers larger than about 60000). After installing the TIGER data (as specified at the bottom of the installation instructions page) it stopped working fine. Reverse geo queries return blank pages, if I view the source I only see "1" on the page. Geo coding queries seem not to find any results. The table location_property_tiger still exists. Any clues? Thanks, Raz
Your problems are not related to the error messages you got during import. They just indicate that some edge files couldn't be processed and have been skipped. All other edge files will have worked fine. To find the source of your problem you need to find out more about what exactly happens when sending the requests. A few places to start looking:
thank you for the advice. it was due to "www-data" versus "apache" username. I should have imported the TIGER data before changing the username, or, change back, import, and change back again... :)
(27 Feb '14, 11:39)
Can you check if the table
still exists in your DB?yes, it's there