How do I map an elevated (around 7m tall) crossing above a motorway for pedestrians, bicycles? I didn't find this info in the wiki, so I created a temporary mix of tags:
Also, should I map the ramp to the crossing? (it's relatively long). What about if the elevated crossing uses an elevator for wheelchair access?
This question is marked "community wiki".
An elevated crossing? This sounds like a bridge (example)?! the ramp could simply be tagged as having an For mapping the elevator you could see Tag:highway=elevator in the wiki. 2
Also note it should be tagged as highway=cycleway or highway=footway or highway=path (as well as the bridge and layer tags), not highway=crossing. The tag highway=crossing is only for crossings on the same level as the road, and should only be used on nodes.
(19 Jan '14, 15:30)
Yes, sure - as in my examples. Thanks for pointing this out.
(19 Jan '14, 16:07)
aseerel4c26 ♦