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Why is my shop not on the map. Existed for 34 years store name "RIA" Lingerie & Textiel Address: Belgium Stationssteenweg 135 kessel The small bakery nearby is on the map but not my shop? Who can put on it.

asked 17 Jan '14, 13:03

RIA%20LINGERIE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jan '14, 14:44

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

> Who can put on it.

You !

Create an account (30 sec); click "edit the map" (2 sec); add the POI (30 sec); save (2 sec)


Click "add a note to the map"; add your note at right location; wait until someone adds the POI for you.

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answered 17 Jan '14, 14:39

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 17 Jan '14, 14:43

Dear Ria Lingerie,

please understand that OSM is a project driven by volunteers that try to do the best to contribute data that seem to be important to their personal perspective. The focus is usually more on public infrastructure and depends also on the size of the local community if they have the ability to add (and maintain) all the local shops etc.

You already found out how to make use of our notes feature to give feedback on our map. Usually it takes some time till somebody reviews and adds your informations, as we usually prefer 'on the ground' surveys as we like to map the reality. (But now I added your company already)

As you also already signed-up at you could have easily contribute your POI on your own:

Please note: This is a support forum for working with OSM and not requesting OSM edits in general. Please also be aware that titles with extra-signs ??? or a rude tone are not only against the netiquette, but also not useful if you want to get some help.

permanent link

answered 17 Jan '14, 14:07

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%



excuse for my mistake possible language use. I do not speak English and use google translation and a dont understand the working of this site. After days of searching for a contact to help me and try to do it myself, I found these. I im Sorry that my question was not on the right forun. Thank You verry muth for averything.

(17 Jan '14, 14:45) RIA LINGERIE

Hi RIA LINGERIE, u kunt had het ook hier kunnen vragen,, speciaal voor lokaal Belgische vragen. Een Belgisch forum waar u met andere OSM vragen terecht kunt. Succes

(17 Jan '14, 16:25) Hendrikklaas

So were you able to map your store? Did somebody help you? I can help you. Martin

(18 Jan '14, 00:41) slover98

Ria, nog geen logo zichtbaar. Maar Stefan heeft de winkel gegevens ingevoerd. Het is even afwachten, tot het logo (hempje) zichtbaar is.

(18 Jan '14, 01:09) Hendrikklaas

@Martin NP, I already added the shop :) It's not rendered on main map, but visible using other maps e.g.

(18 Jan '14, 08:55) iii

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question asked: 17 Jan '14, 13:03

question was seen: 3,872 times

last updated: 18 Jan '14, 08:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum