This is the scenario we would be working on: 1. We would be using osm data to derive routes from source to destination points. This info can be made public 2. There are going to be routes inside private facilities also. The information such private routes cannot be made public as per our client requirement. So is it possible that we use one route layer using osm data and the other route layer with data from some other datasource or can this be done using a single layer and without infringing the ODbL policies ? There would be no interaction between these two route layers. But the routes inside private facilities cannot be made public. What would be the best solution you would recommend in this case ? P.S. : Facility could be any area and could span acres of land. |
You won't get a definitive legal answer to any licensing question from the OpenStreetMap community -- you'll need to employ a lawyer for that. However, if you have a single database containing OpenStreetMap data and other data, then that is a derived database and is covered by the share-alike provision in the ODbL, and if an application is published using this derived database, you will need to make it available under ODbL. You should also ask your client what their intention is in wanting to keep data "private". OpenStreetMap exists to map the world as it exists, including features on private land that aren't open to the public. Even military installations get mapped in OpenStreetMap. Since it's possible to mark areas or routes as private, there is no danger involved in mapping them. |
I guess you could potentially set up two distinct databases, one with OSM data (where routing to a point inside your client's facility would likely get you to a point close to the facility), and another with private roads, where you could then route from the nearest point on the OSM network to the actual target. However, you'd have to make sure that both data sets are kept separate enough in order not to trigger any sharing requirement, and this is the point where asking a lawyer might really help. |
As has already been pointed out, it is not appropriate to ask legal questions on this site.
If you are working on contract for your client and this is a pure inhouse application for them, they may not be using the database publically and the whole discussion is moot. Your or the clients legal counsel should first determine if that is the case.
It is completely legal to use the data if you do not make the result public afterwards.
The whole idea behind share-alike is that: If you want to compete with OSM (in the general public), and do so by using OSM data for your own database, then you need to make public your own database. This prevents that somebody could close down the now open data.
By the way: please consider to ask on It is still no binding legal advice, but the people who may or may not object this use read on that list.