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I'm working with a team to create a class on Data Wrangling (processing and cleaning data in order to analyze it). For the final project of the course, we're going to have students use some segment OSM data and work to improve it- making street names like N/north/North more consistent. We'll have some recommended data sets for them to use.

We’d also like to encourage students to go the extra the mile and actually help improve the map data. Are there any suggestions for how to implement well or potential issues that we'll want to look out for?

asked 14 Jan '14, 19:13

KMullaney's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Jan '14, 16:48

iii's gravatar image


This sounds like a great idea, but this help forum is about support (helping people with knowledge) So I highly recommend to use other Contacts to get feedback (esp. local OSM community, mailinglists, forums, ...). You might also lookup this pages:

permanent link

answered 15 Jan '14, 16:47

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 14 Jan '14, 19:13

question was seen: 2,493 times

last updated: 15 Jan '14, 16:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum