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How do i take tiger data from a single road and import it to osm?

asked 13 Jan '14, 20:01

TheDutchMan13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please also respect our rules about imports to make sure why our community is skeptical about it:

(14 Jan '14, 07:40) iii

It's way, way, way easier to use one of the tiled TIGER layers and draw the road in a standard editor (iD, Potlatch or JOSM).

I've only done this in Potlatch but one of the default background layers is (I think) TIGER 2012. I tend to use a Bing layer, and resort to checking the TIGER layer where roads are obscured by trees, and of course to add the name.

If the road is not available on the current TIGER layer someone is probably preparing an update.

Imported TIGER data often comes with lots of attributes which are of no use to us (and which therefore clutter the database) or attributes which are useful, but require manual interpretation (zipcodes, possibly house number interpolation). It also makes us data import junkies: we need to kick the habit. Getting outside to map is a) healthier, b) more fun and c) makes for better, more accurate data).

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answered 13 Jan '14, 22:43

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 13 Jan '14, 20:01

question was seen: 2,623 times

last updated: 14 Jan '14, 07:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum