I want to put my ItemizedOverlayWithBubble by OSMdroid on top of the marker, because now it's on the marker and when it shows my marker hides behind the bubble, because it's the same GeoPoint. What is the correct way?
final ArrayList<ExtendedOverlayItem> items = new ArrayList<ExtendedOverlayItem>();
ExtendedOverlayItem a = new ExtendedOverlayItem("Hannover", "SampleDescription", new GeoPoint(42.34105549, -3.69639444), this);
items.add(0, a);
ItemizedOverlayWithBubble<ExtendedOverlayItem> mMyLocationOverlay =
new ItemizedOverlayWithBubble<ExtendedOverlayItem>
(this, items, mapView);
Thanks a lot
12 Jan '14, 16:39
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If you have a look at the #osmdroid questions, you will recognize that they aren't answered that often. So you might use the official OSMdroid support channels instead to get a quick answer :/