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Hi folks,

i just stumbled over OSM and as a complete newbie on public mapping, i dont even know what to look up in the faq's.

So whats it all about. Due to my former profession i collected app 1000 Poi's from tunnels,bridges on german highways wich i like to share with the comunity. all are stored in Garmin mode like speedcams with aproaching alarm.

Is there any1 out there who can give me a hand on transfering this data to OSM?

cu Bobo

feel free to answer in english, Deutsch of nederlands

if you can't convice 'em, confuse 'em

asked 12 Jan '14, 10:57

xsbobo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Jan '14, 11:03

Hi Bobo,

if you use Linux you can follow the HowTo I wrote this year for exactly this use case:
Importing collected waypoints I
Importing collected waypoints II
Be aware that Germany is well mapped and you probably will find a lot of your POI already existing.


permanent link

answered 12 Jan '14, 11:18

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Hi Malenki,

tnx for your advice, but i'm not using Linux or any other scripting like Phyton or similar. I'm a plain Win user.

this Poi i collected were used for road restrictions regarding heavy load transports given by permit's from the government. Despite former searches i never found a data collection like this before.

(12 Jan '14, 13:38) xsbobo

If you don't mind I could import your POI since this is a difficult task for OSM beginners.

(12 Jan '14, 13:50) malenki

tnx for your offer. how should i send the POI to you?

(12 Jan '14, 15:34) xsbobo

Zip it and send it to

(12 Jan '14, 15:59) malenki

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question asked: 12 Jan '14, 10:57

question was seen: 2,908 times

last updated: 12 Jan '14, 16:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum