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I have a service that consumes mapping services and renders the basemaps, I can't however figure out how to incorporate OpenStreetMap into my service. We have a number endpoints stored in the DB of basemaps that we can flip between on the fly.

Not sure how OSM will work in that framework, it seems like it's all done in config files or with external javascript libraries

Any help on how to consume and render an OpenStreetMap like I would an ESRI basemap?

asked 09 Jan '14, 15:58

Gdrower's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Jan '14, 22:23

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


This question is difficult to understand for someone who does not know how you consume ESRI basemaps. Can you give an example of such an "endpoint" that you are looking for?

(09 Jan '14, 16:46) Frederik Ramm ♦

Would be an example of a rest endpoint for a basemap service

(09 Jan '14, 19:08) Gdrower

Same for me, I don't understand the question :( Is it something like this?

(09 Jan '14, 19:28) iii

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question asked: 09 Jan '14, 15:58

question was seen: 7,246 times

last updated: 10 Jan '14, 22:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum