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At -75.65393, 45.35767

A long meandering feature labelled "Froosta - Made with Love". I can remove it but maybe the admin people would like to confirm if similar features are embedded elsewhere.

asked 08 Jan '14, 16:29

gallingertown_native's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is generally ok to delete spam on sight. However if you're inexperienced it can't hurt to enlist the help of a second pair of eyes to make sure the right thing is done. In this particular case, the following happened:

  • an inexperienced other user wanted to add their business to the map
  • instead of simply creating a node that described their business, they added their business information to an existing object describing a residential area, and removed its "residential area" attribute
  • then you came along, identified the former residential area as spam, and removed it.

A look a the object's history would have told you that it used to be a residential area, and you could have restored the object to its former glory instead of deleting it outright.

I have done that now.

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answered 08 Jan '14, 21:55

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Excellent Frederik. Thank you for checking up and restoring the feature. Point taken and lesson learned.

(08 Jan '14, 21:58) gallingertow...

Please ask the mapper for info first, why, what and so on ? And don’t start an edit war.

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answered 08 Jan '14, 16:56

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Good advice. This is my first time. I should have thought of this more as a process and asked the appropriate questions in the body.

The feature crossed a number of city blocks in an irregular pattern. It appeared to be unusual and not representative of anything. Regardless, I may have prematurely deleted it.

(08 Jan '14, 17:09) gallingertow...

From time to time I find "features" like "test road", random untagged ways, lost untagged nodes (v1 nodes, not remnants of conflicts, redactions or rollbacks). Some people (mostly new users) still do not understand that edits are published to a live, public database! After checking if there isn't anything real related to the "features", there is no point in keeping them.

(08 Jan '14, 17:29) MCPicoli

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question asked: 08 Jan '14, 16:29

question was seen: 4,328 times

last updated: 08 Jan '14, 22:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum