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This is my first attempt at using OSM and I've hit a problem I don't understand.

Our museum in Wakefield:

...has moved to a new location and the building - which was formerly marked as Wakefield museum - now has another use.

I used the editor to change the name of the building - and that seemed to work OK but I still see Wakefield Museum when I look at the map. When I zoom in I see the new name I entered - but when I zoom out it shows as Wakefield Museum.

What's going on? Can someone enlighten me?


asked 08 Jan '14, 10:29

troleman's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks everyone. Seems that caching was the answer. Everything now in sync.

(08 Jan '14, 20:11) troleman

You may have locally cached tiles. Shows as Waterton & Mechanics Theatre to me now. In some browsers holding shift and pressing F5 will get the newer tiles.

permanent link

answered 08 Jan '14, 10:50

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks for taking the trouble to answer. No it's not that. I've tried using a different browser and another machine. Is it something to do with layers? If I just use the default view does that include layers which might have the old building name on them??

(08 Jan '14, 12:55) troleman

all tiles aren't always updated immediately, either (and not all layers are updated with the same timing). so, tiles at one zoom level may be updated, but others may still be unchanged for a little bit.

(08 Jan '14, 15:24) neuhausr

For info, there's a detailed previous answer here that might help.

(08 Jan '14, 15:39) SomeoneElse ♦

Nothing to do with layers. Slippy map is composed of map tiles, a simple image. What do see on this link : If you see the new name, it should work as well using the main site. If you see the old name and you see it on other computers, then you have to refresh the image cache, as EdLoach said. If it does not work, then the cache is somewhere between your machine and OSM servers. This could be your local network or your ISP. It could be also a problem with your local tile CDN (

(08 Jan '14, 15:59) Pieren

Just a point of clarification, when I was referring to "layers", I meant the different map layer (ie slippy map) options. That's how they're labeled on the UI.

(08 Jan '14, 16:13) neuhausr

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question asked: 08 Jan '14, 10:29

question was seen: 4,630 times

last updated: 08 Jan '14, 20:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum