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I noticed a slip road missing from the A11 in Norfolk so added it from bing ( Way 99209279). Other slip roads have an entry in "relation" containing an id number. How are these allocated.

asked 11 Feb '11, 17:58

gumpa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

PS I use Potlatch 2.

(11 Feb '11, 19:16) gumpa

Thank you to both of you, I will take the easiest option but note the text of the other for my education about relations.

(12 Feb '11, 16:16) gumpa

Note that there is no reason, at all, to have road relations in the UK. Road numbers are unique within the UK and no road can have more than one number. To find the route of the A11, all that is needed is to extract ways within the UK bounding box where ref=A11.

Using relations for this increases complexity to the mapper, making OSM harder for newcomers to learn; and adds unnecessary duplication to the OSM data.

There is a genuine reason to use road relations in some countries, such as the US, where a road can have more than one number. But not the UK.

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answered 12 Feb '11, 13:20

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Your way is an off-ramp (slip road) from the A11 near Old Buckenham, which is really cool because I've always wanted to have an excuse to type "Old Buckenham".

That portion of A11 is included in a road relation, where the motorway ways have a role, "forward" and the slip roads have a role, "link".

If you want to add your slip road to that relation with Potlatch2

  1. Select "Advanced" mode from the bottom of the information panel.
  2. Select your way. This will reveal table of way data and a table of relation data in the information panel.
  3. Select "Add to" from below the empty relation panel.
  4. Select the route road A11 relation in the Select Relation list window. Press "Select" to close the Select Relation window. route road A11 will appear in the relation table in the information window.
  5. click in the empty role column in the A11 relation row. Add the "link" role.
  6. Save.

You should find that your slip road is now included in the A11 relation.

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answered 12 Feb '11, 02:22

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 11 Feb '11, 17:58

question was seen: 4,945 times

last updated: 12 Feb '11, 16:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum