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I would like to have a local server for two purposes: geocoding/reverse geocoding, as well as api-like queries.

It seems that Nominatim is good for the first purpose, while osmosis will be a tool that can serve the second purpose.

From what I've seen so far, Nominatim uses osm2pgsql to load the data, and the schema is different than the one osmosis can read.

Is there a solution for this or do I need to keep two copies of the data in two different schemas?


asked 02 Jan '14, 15:51

RazAlon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Nominatim/osm2pgsql does keep a significant portion of the original data in the so-called "slim mode tables" in the PostgreSQL data base - queries like "I want way #1234 and all its tags and nodes" can (almost) be satisfied from that if you're willing to write a little glue code in a scripting language of your choice. What it doesn't usually keep is the user name and time of last modification, or the version number, and it will also throw away some tags, but depending on exactly how "api-like" you need it, maybe it's enough.

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answered 02 Jan '14, 16:09

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you Frederik.

I don't really care about versions and modifications, just the raw geo data.

I would like to use queries like "give me everything within a bbox" or "give me all ways within a bbox with amenity university or college"

Would such similar queries be possible with Nominatim?

Is there any other alternative for such queries (other than using osmosis to write and read)?

Looking at the tables created by osm2pgsql I guess the columns show which tags are kept, is this correct?


(02 Jan '14, 18:05) RazAlon

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question asked: 02 Jan '14, 15:51

question was seen: 5,527 times

last updated: 02 Jan '14, 18:08

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