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Hi I have been trying to add my shop to open street maps but can't find an add button any where all i am able to do is find the location

asked 29 Dec '13, 21:50

Bringabong's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi David. You can add data to OpenStreetMap in various ways.

The easiest for a beginner is the iD editor, you can start this editor by clicking the "Edit" button on top of the OpenStreetMap display. The clicking the "Point" button allows you to create a point on the map. Next comes a list of shortcuts on the left side for various types of "Points of interest". Use the "Search" box to search for "Shop" and choose one of the offered presets. Next, fill in any additional information you would like.

This can still be quite daunting for a beginner. An even easier thing to do is to add a "Note" to the map. On the right side of the OpenStreetMap window, there is a button to add notes. Place the note on the correct location, write some essential information (maybe include a homepage address for additional information), and let someone else who knows more about OpenStreetMap add your shop to the map.

permanent link

answered 30 Dec '13, 11:03

pbb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi look here,, there about 200 questions concerning shops in OSM data. There 2 ways to add the tag (shop) to the building or as a node to the database. But keep it simple, just name, adress aso and the merchandise.

permanent link

answered 30 Dec '13, 00:22

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 30 Dec '13, 11:14

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question asked: 29 Dec '13, 21:50

question was seen: 4,814 times

last updated: 30 Dec '13, 11:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum