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What's the recommended way to convert a note to a POI, letting me flesh it out with the necessary tags?

asked 29 Dec '13, 00:17

mattflaschen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 10 Aug '22, 05:39

AngocA's gravatar image


Notes and POIs are two very different things normally, but sometimes a note (a message describing a problem somebody has spotted on the map) may contain information which you can transfer onto a newly created POI.

There's no automated or semi-automated way of doing that though. You have to open your preferred editor, create the node, and choose which tags you want to set on it. Maybe you can copy & paste some values from the note text.

This is all by design though. A note is a textual description, perhaps added by somebody who doesn't know how to use an OpenStreetMap editor. As a mapper you then make the (more advanced) decision about how to put something into the OpenStreetMap data. ...or often you need to ask follow up questions, or go and survey the place to figure it out.

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answered 29 Dec '13, 01:58

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

edited 29 Dec '13, 01:59

I understand it can't be done in a fully automated way. However, a semi-automated way could be useful, as long as a person still makes the final decision on whether to go ahead and upload the POI. In particular, the note has an associated location. This isn't always perfect, but it would be nice to be able to copy the location over to a node/POI (the POI can still be moved if needed before or after the first save).

(30 Dec '13, 03:42) mattflaschen

In OsmAnd, you can select a note (by tapping the red icon with a white X), and then immediately create a POI from that position (using "Create POI" in the menu).

Once the POI is uploaded, you can then make further edits using another tool (though OsmAnd does allow arbitrary tags as well).

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answered 14 Dec '15, 03:18

mattflaschen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Dec '13, 00:17

question was seen: 3,683 times

last updated: 10 Aug '22, 05:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum