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The tag "natural=bay" is currently not rendered as water.

How should this be fixed? Should Mapnik be changed to recognize these as water? Or should they be tagged as natural=water not natural=bay?

asked 27 Dec '13, 13:34

eric22's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Other bays like Botany Bay in Sydney are tagged natural=water and water=bay which renders nicely.

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answered 27 Dec '13, 15:00

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

See the discussion on this pull request where gravitystorm explains the rationale clearly.

So you should open up the land polygon, or tag an area as natural=water (or whichever is appropriate), and only then add the natural=bay, probably with a name and often on a node.

(27 Dec '13, 22:38) Vincent de P... ♦

Yes, I thought about changing the tags to natural=water/water=bay. Extremely similar tags are mentioned in the wiki (like water=cove), and as you say, water=bay is already in usage. So I'll take that as accepted procedure. Hopefully someone can update the natural=water and natural=bay wiki pages accordingly.

(28 Dec '13, 16:04) eric22

I'm not necessarily arguing against this solution, or saying it doesn't make sense, but I need to point out that water=bay is used only 14 times, while natural=bay is used over 32K times. I don't think you can call that an accepted procedure.

(30 Dec '13, 15:45) neuhausr

Maybe this depends on your definition/understanding of the term 'bay'.
Honestly first I thought more of a 'beach' while reading, that is already rendererd.
But your understanding is ok with the wiki:

A bay is an area of water mostly surrounded or otherwise demarcated by land.

But there was a discussion on doing this switch in the style:

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answered 27 Dec '13, 14:45

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

I've always tagged natural=bay on nodes only, here's why:

  1. that's how it's used (according to taginfo, it's used on over 30K nodes, only 670 ways)
  2. it's often not clear exactly where a bay begins, compared to the rest of the body of water
  3. it would be a pain to have to split up bodies of water (such as a lake) and then rejoin the pieces with a relation
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answered 27 Dec '13, 14:56

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 27 Dec '13, 13:34

question was seen: 3,491 times

last updated: 30 Dec '13, 15:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum