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I downloaded OpenStreetMap maps from and put them on my Garmin GPS. Everything works except for routing to house numbers. It can only route to the street itself, not to an actual address. So, if I were to enter 1221 Main St, the GPS would take me to Main St, but not to the 1221 address. This is a major problem if I can't enter a full address in to route! If the house numbers show up in Nominatim, then why do they not show up on the GPS? Should use another site for OSM Maps?

asked 26 Dec '13, 15:35

auser1000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would find out first whether the addresses are mapped in the area You are interested in. It might be that there is simply no address data. If you need help checking the address data, then please specify which Main street it is (there are some 20 000+ ways named Main street).

It might be that does not support house numbers, but I doubt it.

(26 Dec '13, 16:45) RM87

I haven't use OSM data on a Garmin device, so I can't say for sure what the issue is. But there are two things that come to mind:

  1. Is the addr:housenumber=1221 tag set on your destination in OSM? It is my understanding that Nominatim will fall back to using TIGER based address number estimates if it can't find the actual number in the OSM database. I know for a fact that OsmAnd only uses OSM data and ends up with the same problem you describe if the address is not in OSM.
  2. It might be that the Garmin downloads being generated by Dave Hansen for the US (I assume a US location based on your 1221 Main St example) will extract and package the information differently. See
permanent link

answered 26 Dec '13, 16:42

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 26 Dec '13, 15:35

question was seen: 4,990 times

last updated: 26 Dec '13, 18:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum