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I am new to OSM and decided to add an area to a local state park which has been expanded due to a land purchase. I registered and used the IDeditor to carefully define the boundaries of the new rectangular area adjacent to the existing park. However, once I saved the new area, it is rendered as a different size and the position of the area is offset from the position I specified in some views. The new area (Dollar unit of Burton Creek State Park) is rendered properly in this view: However, the area is a different size and location in this view: ... and not at all in this view: It has been less than a day since I did this and I was wondering if I just needed to wait for my changes to update throughout the system or if there is an actual problem.

asked 23 Dec '13, 16:43

mspohr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Right now, they all look the same to me, and the boundaries rendered appear to match the data (one way to examine this is by opening the "Map Layers", and checking the Map Data checkbox). Unless there's something I'm missing, I'm guessing you were just seeing some tiles that weren't updated yet. Sometimes it helps to hit the refresh on your browser, too.

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answered 23 Dec '13, 17:45

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


Yes - the short answer is that it's perfectly normal. The long and detailed answer is here.

(23 Dec '13, 17:53) SomeoneElse ♦

Refresh on the browser brought everything up to date. Interesting to see how the updates work on the server end. I also noticed that immediately after I submitted the edit, it appeared as an orange outlined area (without proper boundaries). I assume that this indicates that it has not be updated yet. Thanks for the answer.

(23 Dec '13, 19:09) mspohr

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question asked: 23 Dec '13, 16:43

question was seen: 2,409 times

last updated: 23 Dec '13, 20:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum