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In the city where I live was made public the routes and schedules of garbage trucks in PDF format. Editing the relations of the routes for public transport I asked myself, why not do it for those routes too?

Reading the wiki page for relations of the routes I didn't find information or specific tags

Someone did something similar?

asked 22 Dec '13, 21:47

5m4u9's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 23 Dec '13, 10:13

Gritting routes have been mapped in some places. These were done by adding maintenance=gritting and other gritting prefixed tags to the ways rather than using route relations. A link to an example way.

I would be tempted though, if you decide to add (and maintain) the information, to use route relations with the tag route=waste_collection or similar (as waste seems to be used more in OSM for related items than garbage - see taginfo). This allows for multiple routes along the same way without needing to semi-colon separate references (for example) as in gritting_route_ref=B;H here.

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answered 23 Dec '13, 09:21

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks @edloach. The gritting routes and waste collection has fairly similarity. This solution is non-invasive, as you say, it would suffice define the prefixes of the tags for the ways and use the tags for waste containers (or similar tags).

In the "gritting_operator" tag, I see again (the controversy)... use prefix tag + "_operator" or ":operator" ¿? :(

(23 Dec '13, 11:45) 5m4u9

No, there seems to be currently no schema for tagging this routes. Of course you are welcome to be the first and describe this new feature :)

But IMHO you should always ask, if it makes sense to add a new feature to OSM. I'm not sure if this informations are in a wide interest and if we have enough people that like to keep them up to date. At least in my city we have a mixed system of static routes that get altered if people report extra garbage collections. So here it would IMHO make no sense :( I think there was already a discussion about the schedules for Public transport with the result, that it's not pure geodata and thus should not be modeled within OSM. Steve Coast himself wanted to start a project about collecting it externally and make them machine readable.

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answered 23 Dec '13, 07:27

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Thanks @¡¡¡. As you say, the persons concerned will be very few... eg waste collection companies.

Reading on the mailing list "talk-transit", I understood the problem of schedules and GTFS format. Apparently, Steve's "transiki" project are stopped. :(

(23 Dec '13, 12:27) 5m4u9

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question asked: 22 Dec '13, 21:47

question was seen: 8,761 times

last updated: 23 Dec '13, 12:27

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