Hi I tried to manipulate the scale of JOSM but the movement of the mouse button, makes too large steps. I guess it’s the zoom level and the tiles, correct ? Is there a way to provide a gradual scale ?
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Do you really want to use the scale widget to zoom in/out ? It had never crossed my mind to use that. Such a small widget is bound to be imprecise. I always zoom using the mouse wheel; it is both fast and precise. You can also use the keyboard shorcuts plus and minus, or even 1 to 9 to zoom to predefined areas (see keyboard shortcuts in the preferences for details). Hi Vincent but I need inches or cm to make a reliable image, house or bridge, http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/52.45506/4.57061 & http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/51.87801/5.11851.
(23 Dec '13, 10:23)
If that's your usecase, what about using the 'measurements' plugin ? You'll be able to measure sizes more accurately and in any direction. There are also paint presets available that display highways taking width, lanes, etc into account.
(23 Dec '13, 21:39)
Vincent de P... ♦
I don't see a option to alter the stepping in the advanced properties of JOSM by searching for zoom* . So maybe it's a good quesion/request to JOSM-dev mailinglist or create a TRAC ticket? |
In Win7 before running JOSM you could change mouse speed maybe Changing mouse settings (Windows)
Looks promissing, lyk.
@andy mackey: huh? why that crazy long URL? and: mouse speed?! why? The question is about the "button" - not about some mouse speed (usually: pointer movement).
So about the scale widget in the upper left corner of the JOSM workspace?
Andy, your link affects the rest but not the scale of JOSM, it still takes large steps. I’ll have to find a way to work around it and scale my source accordingly. III, the upper scale makes the same large steps, scaling to a different size (source) won’t work. Drawing buildings is nice to do using original files and the values + and - of the scale up to an inch.
sorry i thought it was possible to make the mouse movement less sensitive, which i thought would help. I didn't and still don't know how to edit the link to a shorter form. I will delete in a while.
meta @andy mackey: I have fixed the link (without google redirect), I guess you meant that page.