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Hi I tried to manipulate the scale of JOSM but the movement of the mouse button, makes too large steps. I guess it’s the zoom level and the tiles, correct ? Is there a way to provide a gradual scale ?

asked 20 Dec '13, 22:40

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


In Win7 before running JOSM you could change mouse speed maybe Changing mouse settings (Windows)

(20 Dec '13, 22:57) andy mackey

Looks promissing, lyk.

(21 Dec '13, 00:44) Hendrikklaas

@andy mackey: huh? why that crazy long URL? and: mouse speed?! why? The question is about the "button" - not about some mouse speed (usually: pointer movement).

(21 Dec '13, 00:51) aseerel4c26 ♦

So about the scale widget in the upper left corner of the JOSM workspace?

(21 Dec '13, 07:58) iii

Andy, your link affects the rest but not the scale of JOSM, it still takes large steps. I’ll have to find a way to work around it and scale my source accordingly. III, the upper scale makes the same large steps, scaling to a different size (source) won’t work. Drawing buildings is nice to do using original files and the values + and - of the scale up to an inch.

(21 Dec '13, 11:54) Hendrikklaas

sorry i thought it was possible to make the mouse movement less sensitive, which i thought would help. I didn't and still don't know how to edit the link to a shorter form. I will delete in a while.

(21 Dec '13, 18:25) andy mackey

meta @andy mackey: I have fixed the link (without google redirect), I guess you meant that page.

(21 Dec '13, 22:55) aseerel4c26 ♦
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

Do you really want to use the scale widget to zoom in/out ? It had never crossed my mind to use that. Such a small widget is bound to be imprecise.

I always zoom using the mouse wheel; it is both fast and precise. You can also use the keyboard shorcuts plus and minus, or even 1 to 9 to zoom to predefined areas (see keyboard shortcuts in the preferences for details).

permanent link

answered 23 Dec '13, 09:42

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Hi Vincent but I need inches or cm to make a reliable image, house or bridge, &

(23 Dec '13, 10:23) Hendrikklaas

If that's your usecase, what about using the 'measurements' plugin ? You'll be able to measure sizes more accurately and in any direction.

There are also paint presets available that display highways taking width, lanes, etc into account.

(23 Dec '13, 21:39) Vincent de P... ♦

I don't see a option to alter the stepping in the advanced properties of JOSM by searching for zoom* . So maybe it's a good quesion/request to JOSM-dev mailinglist or create a TRAC ticket?

permanent link

answered 21 Dec '13, 17:09

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 20 Dec '13, 22:40

question was seen: 4,694 times

last updated: 23 Dec '13, 21:39

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