I recently moved this node to a new location. What's the easiest way to show it on a map, and a marker where the previous location was? |
Currently, you don't have an "easy way" like in 2 mouse clicks to do this. But... Here is one method I found: - from the node history, you can copy the previous coordinates (in version 1 : "53.5999303, -1.0152212") That's it. 2
Instead of editing the URL you can just copy'n'paste the coordinates into the search field and click on the first result. The marker will be added automatically. Note: This doesn't work for every locale. Some translations (e.g. german) display the coordinates using commas as decimal points (e.g. -1,01 instead of -1.01) which have to be replaced first.
(19 Dec '13, 12:46)
scai ♦
Good try but the problem with this method is that the marker disappears when you close the search pan :( I didn't find a way to create an URL with the marker from the "find" tool.
(19 Dec '13, 12:57)
Similar to Pieren's solution but a bit easier:
more easy to use (but somehow hard to set up): use this JavaScript snippet (similar to the one in my comment over there). It converts all links to contain a "m" automatically. You can then open those links in new tabs to see the markers.
Just to understand you correctly, you want to view both the previous position and the new one?