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All, good evening Does anyone successfully use maps from OSM in Memory Map? If so, would you be kind enough to confirm the export file type & what you used to stitch tiles together (if not MM) Thanks


asked 10 Feb '11, 22:14

fossp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It should be possible to generate suitable tiles for MemoryMap EuropeanEdition versions 5 and above using OSM data, but I have not succeeded. This is the version of the software which can be used with UK Ordnance Survey StreetView Tiles. I have successfully used the latter to create a 100km square pannable map. I then used mapnik to generate tiles of identical size and projection and copying the relevant world files from (.tgw, .tab) the OSSV tiles. I suspect that I was not using a suitable bitmap format, and I have not tried subsequently.

As I only tried the step of generating matching tiles in a given projection (OSGB36, EPSG 27700) I do not know if it is possible to do this with the Spherical Mercator used by OSM tiles.

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answered 10 Feb '11, 23:25

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

as SK53 says the europe edition accepts scanned and some picture formats, the OS V5 version does not. I hope someone as a way of solving this.their are other mapping software products UKGPS and OZexplorer do accept scans. but like you I'm used to Memory Map

(11 Feb '11, 01:30) andy mackey
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answered 07 Feb '13, 17:32

bel-horizon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I also would have liked to use OSM with Memory Map. I have found quite a good alternative.It is QUO aka Mapyx they allow free use of their mapping software and now as an alternative to them selling you Ordinance Survey Map data they have it set-up to display our OpenStreetMap and it will give us OS Grid reference and create routes and connect to a GPS.

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answered 11 Feb '11, 10:39

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 11 Feb '11, 10:45

petschge's gravatar image


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question asked: 10 Feb '11, 22:14

question was seen: 11,309 times

last updated: 07 Feb '13, 17:32

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