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Hello, I was wondering how long it takes for Nominatim to process addresses of roads inside of an admin boundary after it is drawn?

For example, let's say I draw a boundary for a town called Anytown, FL. One of the roads inside of the boundary I draw is a tertiary called John Smith Road. Before the boundary is drawn, Nominatim will say "no results found" if I type in "john smith road anytown fl" After I draw the boundary, how long will it take for Nominatim to render the boundary and process the data so that "Tertiary Road: John Smith Road, Anytown, FL" will come up in Nominatim if I search for it?

asked 16 Dec '13, 23:33

auser1000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Dec '13, 16:33

stephan75's gravatar image


Do you refer to the update time of the official instance at ?

(17 Dec '13, 08:08) iii

I have edited the headline.

(17 Dec '13, 16:34) stephan75

@iii Yes, I'm referring the the update time of

(18 Dec '13, 00:07) auser1000

When you go to the URL you provided yourself, the last update for data is displayed on top of the screen. Just now, I see "Data: 2013/12/18 11:48 GMT". If your changes are older than this date, then just wait. If not, either you made some mistake in the new street edits (e.g. typo) or the synchronization between the OSM database and nominatim database failed somehow.
For the second, you can try to re-add the street and check the new result. If you can prove that your first edit was correct, then create an error report
For the first, you should provide a link to the concerned street then someone else can review it.

permanent link

answered 18 Dec '13, 11:57

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 16 Dec '13, 23:33

question was seen: 2,679 times

last updated: 18 Dec '13, 11:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum