I am confused as how to add "payment:bitcoin=yes tag" onto the website http://coinmap.org? CoinMap Instructions say:
Can you tell me where to add "payment:bitcoin=yes" ? Thanks you. |
In addition to the other answers, please only add factual information to OpenStreetMap. Especially:
Yes, for that last point the key bit in the Coinmap quote is "venue" rather than "business". They clarify on their website "Please don't create new venues unless they have physical presence on ground!"
(15 Dec '13, 08:59)
EdLoach ♦
"go to OpenStreetMap editor" means that you should edit our OpenStreetMap data (apparently coinmap uses it). Read our Beginners%27_guide or http://learnosm.org/ to learn how to start editing OpenStreetMap. If you feel like you want to start right away, go to https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/new (or click the "sign up" link on the top right on your homepage). If the shop you want to edit does not exist yet, you need to add it to our data (see the beginner guides for this). For how to use "tags" see Tag#Use_in_an_editor. Welcome to OSM! |
To be clear because this is a frequent mistake: Tag a key name of "payment:bitcoin" with a value of "yes" Do not create a key named "payment:bitcoin=yes". |
I was also confused how to do this.. Check out this tutorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLpe8YDf8P0 This makes it clear how to add your location on the Coinmap. |
Hi, take a look here http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.08724/5.12155 and tag the shop or business the same way as Sociabol. |