If that doesn't work, let us know, but that's the "general" answer. |
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If that doesn't work, let us know, but that's the "general" answer. |
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question asked: 09 Dec '13, 17:25
question was seen: 13,912 times
last updated: 12 Oct '19, 14:40
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
what is your problem with printing? Which map do you want to print?
Don't the answers to those previous questions help you? E.g. printing-a-map or printing-osm-maps-to-paper?
Umm, no the previous questions were about specific issues. I just need the very simple answer to printing a map. Period. There is no print icon, do I convert first, to what, just need a simple proceedure. thank you
okay, but "printing a map" is not related to OpenStreetMap and hence not in scope of this help site. ;-)
@aseerel4c26 well, not necessarily. The browser's "print" will use the css "print" layout, and there's at least one oddity with that currently that I'm aware of:
@SomeoneElse: Yes, there are cases of "printing a map" that are related to OSM. And we are happy if someone who wants to print a map chooses to print a OSM-based map. I just wanted to get a clearer question since there are dozens of options to "print a map" already answered (linked). And the general answer, as you thankfully provided it below is not really belonging to this help site, right? However, I hope that we will know at last what the print problem is.
Thank you all ! We use QGIS, the map is to create 4 mountain trails for hikers