I am doing a project in simulation in which i have to edit the map .I have to clean all the private residential ways,restorants,trees etc how to do that Please tell how to edit this which software is required |
The simplest way to remove given classes of objects from an OSM FILE (i.e., not the database) is to use osmfilter. A bit of experimentation is required to find the exact set of filters which meet ones requirements. I recommend using a suitable small dataset before you embark on doing it on your main data (I think Liechtenstein and Luxembourg are favourites as suitable datasets). |
To delete a special type of road or to delete all trees from your .osm file: just use our offline editor JOSM. It has a find function which can search for tags (e.g. natural=tree). Maybe it may even be possible to use the search to select dead ends. It has a quite powerful syntax. Note to use the purge action instead of "delete" (which only marks a object as to be deleted in the .osm file). When finished save into the .osm file again. Take care not to upload such changes to the OSM servers with JOSM. You also could use an XML or even text editor to manipulate the downloaded OSM data. Sir one last Question as i have just started doing my project doesn't know much about GPS and Opentstreet maps I am studying them Can QGIS be used for the purpose I was saying earlier
(07 Dec '13, 18:58)
@lakshay: if you need more help with your project it may be more useful (also for you) to ask for help in our forum or on a mailing list. This help site is not suited for (longer) discussion of highly specific problems but rather for collection of frequent, general problems.
(07 Dec '13, 20:00)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@lakshay: Our wiki (search there) is your friend. :-) Have a look at QGIS in our wiki. It says: "QGIS 2.0 integrates Openstreetmap import as a core functionnality." So, maybe you can use it. Also see questions here about qgis.
(10 Dec '13, 01:10)
aseerel4c26 ♦
If you are using JOSM to remove objects from an OSM file, you do not want to use delete, you want to use purge. As a general rule, filtering the .osm file to remove data is not the optimal place, you're normally better off removing data as part of the process that interprets the .osm file. Filtering out to only accept specific data is generally reasonable. Of course, without details of the software that will consume the .osm file, it's impossible to give more specific advice.
(11 Dec '13, 00:44)
thanks @pnorman, right (I did not think of this). I have added it above.
(11 Dec '13, 11:39)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Please read this https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/6938/map-without-labels-and-businesses good luck 3
the linked question seems to be rather about rendering, so I guess it is not helpful here if the data should be manipulated.
(07 Dec '13, 18:39)
aseerel4c26 ♦
not an answer, but important: please take care to not do your "clean"-up edits to the main OSM database. I am just telling you because this sometimes happens (people think they are privately editing, which our editors are not - per default).
I think it would be helpful to know some more details on what you mean by "edit the map" and "clean all ...". What do you want to do with the map or data afterwards? Do you want to look at a map or do you want to do routing on the streets? Please just edit your question to add info.
I am not editing online, I have downloaded .osm file by exporting my region in which I wanna edit.I am new at this site,I have to delete the link or ways which have dead ends like they are of no use for my project.My project is of disaster management in which First I have to find the congested links present and then have to do my project. Thanking you for your help