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Hello, I'm looking for an Apllication that is able to take fotos and save the coordinates but also the orientation in the moment when the foto is taken. Also it should be possibile to export the data.

Thank you.

asked 06 Dec '13, 13:38

bmb2013's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Dec '13, 15:29

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

For which operating system? What is your use case in general? Surveying for mapping? In which format do you want the export or what is the use case for the export?

(06 Dec '13, 13:44) aseerel4c26 ♦

For Android and we tryed Geocam but there we have the problem that the orientation is not exported it only exports a normal jpg so the data format is not improtant we only need an application that can export the coordinates and the orientation of the picture.

(06 Dec '13, 13:59) bmb2013

Hmm, you did answer my question only partly.

(06 Dec '13, 15:07) aseerel4c26 ♦

How is this related to OSM, there should be other communities regarding this problem. Solve it with hard- or software.

(07 Dec '13, 14:27) Hendrikklaas

Hi osm aspect...
I use an iphone4 to take geotagged images for editing the OSM. When editing in JOSM, I open the gpx track, download osm data along the track, then upload the iphone photos and Josm uses the geotagged info to place them on the map. When I select one of the camera icons, a view of the image opens and also puts a white patch on the camera location showing the direction the image was taken. The direction also shows in the picture view. I don't see any coordinates there but if your hold you mouse over the camera icon on the map, the lat, lon are given it the bottom left of the screen.
I don't know how to export such info unless doing a screen shot like I did is ok for you. The info is in the photo exif metadata I guess.


Using iphone4, iMac7 osx, Josm 6388 Java version 1.6.0_65

permanent link

answered 07 Dec '13, 15:48

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 07 Dec '13, 16:10

Clear, the info seems to be embedded into the picture. Try to convince the JOSM helpdesk or programmers to make the info transferrable. They even might have a clue or solution already.

(07 Dec '13, 16:23) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 06 Dec '13, 13:38

question was seen: 3,471 times

last updated: 07 Dec '13, 16:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum